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 Information to provide

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Posts : 23
Join date : 2008-06-21
Location : Newcastle, UK

Information to provide Empty
PostSubject: Information to provide   Information to provide Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 11:36 pm

Please provide the following:-

Clan name:

Date and time u would like the war:

Contact information:

What weapons you would prefer the war to be with:

How many fighters in each team:

How many rounds:

What server you would like the war to take place on:

B&A got a server to use.
HostName: [BA] Gang Server [gta-host.com]
Players: 10 / 16
Ping: 54
Mode: B+A Gang Server
Map: San Andreas

There is a mod for clanwars on it, but atm we can only room 5 people in it (but we could play without teamcheat etc, if you want, this is only if it's more than 5vs5)
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